Santa's "Christmas" Craft Fair
- Santa's "Christmas" Craft Fair
- 2014-12-06T10:00:00-06:00
- 2014-12-06T15:00:00-06:00
Dec 06, 2014 from 10:00 AM to 03:00 PM (US/Central / UTC-600)
Come to Santa's Christmas Craft Fair
Lots for everyone, buy a much needed Christmas gift, listen to carols, and bring the kids to see Santa and Mrs. Claus. Santa's Elves will be twisting balloons and face painting. Christmas Raffle tickets will be on sale and the library will have "cork ornaments" and "marshmallow snowman sleds" ornaments to purchase. There will be plenty of craft booths set up for you to do your Christmas shopping.
10 - 3 Craft vendors open for business!
11 am Stewart "Glee Club" carolers
11:30 - 12:30 Refreshments
11:30 - 2 Santa & Mrs. Claus (bring your cameras)
12:00 - 1 Balloon twisting and face painting Elves
12 - 2:30 Mrs. & Mrs. Charleston playing Christmas music
12:30 Nathan Quintanilla, singing
and more.............stay tuned!
Vendors will have a variety of items for sale. Glass yard art, bracelets, scarf's, hats, Christmas wreaths, Christmas ornaments, crocheted items, cookbooks, painted gourds, table runners, aprons and more.......